Réseau Ferré de France (RFF)
- Created in 1997, RFF is the owner and manager of France's railways, and today employs over 1,300 people.
- Its missions are to organize all traffic, increase the network's potential attractiveness sustainable financing, develop new rail lines and optimize property assets.

Property and real estate department (DFIM) and asset management services (SAP)
The Land and Property Department (DFIM) and the regional property departments (SAP) are responsible for defining and adapting RFF's land and property policies: knowledge and management of properties, risk management, rental development, development projects.
To optimize the management of its land and property assets, RFF has developed a Geographic Information System (GIS) called GEOPRISM. This GIS is the frame of reference around which the land and property applications of the land and property IS.

GIS for asset management
1. Maintaining and updating inventory
Using a service center approach, AREMIS handles all updates to GEOPRISM's "Heritage" data. Over 5,000 files are processed each year for the whole of France, managed via a single web-based workflow platform ("sMAJIC").
2. Assistance with the design and development of business support tools
In its role as project manager, AREMIS supports RFF in the development and enhancement of existing tools: expression of requirements, general and detailed functional specifications, acceptance operations...
3. Data analysis files
Using data from GEOPRISM and external sources, AREMIS carries out business analyses (geomatics work) specifically commissioned by RFF teams (identification of rental potential, logistics platforms, etc.).

A Geographic Information System (GIS) to optimize management of land and property assets
- Accessibility and sharing of information
- New dimension for business managers
- Easier decision-making (optimization)
- Improved communication