Renewal of multi-technology and multi-service procurement contracts
Projects type Data & digital solutions
Sector Transports & Logistics

Guidance in processing and structuring property operations


Guidance in processing and structuring property operations


GROUPE AEROPORTS DE PARIS / Real Estate department

Non-terminal real estate activities represent a strategic development business and have become a significant source of growth for the ADP Group, with an economic cylce in line with the property sector. 


As a developer and owner of land, the ADP Group develops and makes viable land that is then offered to investors and users. 

It also handles the management of its assets (commercial strategy, refurbishment, modernisation), from the asset management phase to the phase of running services to tenants. The aim is to provide a constant presence for tenants.


Renewal of its Multitechnics and Multiservices contracts

As a part of the renewal of its Multi-Technology and MultiService procurement contracts for the Roissy and Orly Divisions, ADP wanted to acquire the skills of a consultancy company capable of assisting it throughout the process of designing future procurement contracts and specifying and 
implementing new services : the scope of hte consultancy covered approximately 300 buildings anglobing a total space of 1.000.000 m²


Optimisation intégrée du cycle de vie immobilier

  • Needs analysis. Definition of target organization and model.
  • Feedback from previous contracts
  • Reconciliation of operating costs and definition of future operating/maintenance budgets
  • Detailed structuring and prescription (Deployment / Management / Realization / Reversibility)
  • Preparation of tender documents, technical analysis of bids and assistance in selecting service providers
  • Assistance in starting up services and setting up new organizations
  • Design and deployment of an operational management system
  • Breakdown of building and equipment costs

Strategic development of the property department

  • Securing of new operating modes
  • Transformation of practices and the organisation of the Property Department
  • Cost reductions and implementation of an energy performance plan
  • Development of Customer satisfaction
  • Dynamic online project management and avalaibility of an interactive decision-making solution for the technical and business analysis of tenders
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